AiM presents the evolution of the data logger that has become a standard purchase in a large number of championships. Compact aluminum body, two Motorsports multi-channel connectors and internal SD closed by a waterproof door, are some of its features. It's so small that it can be installed anywhere, and the internal SD card ensures unlimited capacity to record all your data.
8 configurable analog inputs
5 digital inputs
2 digital outputs
Triaxial acceleration sensor and gyroscope
Gear and odometer indication
4GB of storage
3 CAN interfaces ECU interface (CAN, RS232 or OBDII)
GPS module
WiFi configuration and data download
Integrated accelerometer and gyroscope
The internal tri-axial accelerometer and gyroscope provide the new EVO5 with a powerful arsenal of information. These force and motion sensors allow you to quantify the dynamic characteristics of your vehicle. Measurement of acceleration and gyro forces can help determine how to improve your racing performances.
internal sd card
Internal SD card to record all your race data in a comfortable and simple way. The card is protected by a waterproof door equipped with a sensor that closes all files when opened, to prevent any possibility of data loss.